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 In Analysis, Cofactor Genomics

Today we’re announcing our online bioinformatics solution, a service designed to provide researchers with existing sequencing data access to Cofactor’s advanced bioinformatics and ActiveSite suite.

To help get researchers interested we’re giving away $20,000 worth of analysis in the form of 8 grants to researchers. There will be two grants with a value of $2,500 for each of the following applications: RNA-seq, De Novo Assembly, SNP, and miRNA.

Interested applicants can apply here. Applications are due by May 15th. Winners will be announced on June 1st.

The full press release:

Cofactor Genomics Launches Online Bioinformatics Solution.

ST. LOUIS, MO. – April 4th, 2013 – Cofactor Genomics, a leading biotechnology services company, announced today the launch of its online bioinformatics solution. This service aims to provide a path to biological insight for researchers that have performed next-generation sequencing experiments only to find that they are left with gigabytes of data as opposed to confident biological candidates. 

While it’s now possible for researchers to quickly and easily generate billions of bases of sequence data, rigorous QC, data analysis, visualization, and interpretation is often what stands between data and discovery. These critical components turn data into insight, and have been packaged into Cofactor’s analysis service offering for clients working in SNP/genotyping, De-novo assembly, and RNA-seq focused projects. The designed solutions are the result of 5 years of R&D to provide Cofactor’s clients with robust, quick, affordable, and hassle-free analysis results.

Previously, only full service clients could access Cofactor’s ActiveSiteTM interface, a feature customers frequently cite as being crucial to their research. Now, clients that have not performed the entire process (QC, library, sequencing, analysis, and visualization) will have access to Cofactor’s rigorous analytics.

Dave Messina, Cofactor’s Director of Analysis noted, ”Our customers are experts in their area of research, and the scientists at Cofactor have spent the last 20 years working in genetics, next-generation sequencing, and computational biology. These solutions embody what we’ve learned in those years. When a researcher partners with Cofactor Genomics, we each bring our strengths to the project and together accelerate the pace of research.”

Clients of this service include researchers with access to DNA or RNA sequencing data but who lack bioinformatics resources or want to take advantage of the newest analysis techniques. Additionally, many clients have expressed an increasing interest in validating results of in-house bioinformatics analysis with independent methodologies.

”Our customers consistently tell us that our analysis and the ActiveSiteTM interface are really important components in advancing their research. We want to help as many researchers as possible by offering easy and affordable access to our analysis pipelines and intuitive discovery approaches,” added Messina. 

To launch the program, Cofactor is giving away $20,000 worth of bioinformatics service in the form of eight grants. Two $2,500 grants will be awarded to researchers in each of the following applications: RNA-seq, De novo assembly, miRNA-seq, and SNP. Researchers interested in the program can find out more information at cofactor.wpengine.com/blog/2013/cofactor-genomics-launches-online-bioinformatics-solution

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