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 In Cofactor Genomics

Last Thursday, November 14th, gathering together friends, family, and members of the St. Louis business and biotech communities, we opened the new Cofactor Genomics headquarters at 4044 Clayton in St. Louis. Made official with a burst of confetti, our new facility, located in the Cortex district of St. Louis, will allow us to continue our growth and expansion in the years to come.

 We were honored to have Missouri Governor Jay Nixon speak on the importance of the occasion and how Cofactor’s growth exemplifies Missouri’s fast-paced technology related job growth.

Chancellor Mark Wrighton of Washington University in St. Louis, John Dubinsky of Cortex and Cofactor CEO Dr. Jarret Glasscock also offered remarks on the expansion and what it means to St. Louis’ biotech and entrepreneurship community.

Chancellor Mark Wrighton

John Dubinsky

Dr. Jarret Glasscock

 The event was covered by several news sources online, on T.V. and on the radio. And the official press release from the Governor’s office can be found here.


 We’d like to thank The Social Affair for catering and Jason Stoff for photographing the event.

And to everyone who has helped to make Cofactor what it is today: our clients, supporters, employees, friends, family, and everyone else, we say thank you.




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